The ongoing push to digitize all the “things” continues.
It was 2005’ish. Bend, Oregon was enjoying growth and prosperity and thought the good times were never going to end. Home prices continued to skyrocket yet new homes were going up at a furious pace, even producing a bizarre Lord of the Rings themed neighborhood called The Shire. Yeah, that happened.
My good friend Simone Paddock and I thought the community would benefit from a growing library of Central Oregon themed stock photos from a collection of select, reputable professional photographers. We started Obsidian Stock and went to town. It was an interesting and engaging project both technically and creatively.
Crrraaaasssshhh!! Bend’s economy and housing market going down the toilet was the end of OS too.
(These scans are YUGE!!! so pop ’em up in a new tab and have at it.)