Early this year I was finally able to get back into the gym on the regular. I was feeling incredible as more workouts rolled by… until I went too heavy on dumbbell bench press and suffered a slap tear in my right shoulder. My bad completely.

My doctor let me know it might heal on it’s own if I let it. Cool, I could do that. But there was no way I couldn’t be active after all that positive physical activity. So I explored if I could – and found I could indeed – throw discs without serious distress. So that began my near daily journey to a local disc golf course.

Usually I would lug around a bag with 25 discs or so but I wanted to experiment. I picked two discs with similar weight and stats and that’s all I took. At first it was typical and I could be all over the place. But after days, and then weeks of this daily routine I started seeing something cool. Over half the time my discs might land within 5 feet or so apart after a solid 40 or 50 yard throw.

So what? So it was a reminder to me that I hadn’t possibly thought of or experienced for awhile that consistency through constant practice is achievable. Something I can apply in all aspects of my life. Grateful for that.

A few pics from my first day documenting this.

disc golf

disc golf

disc golf